KIWU helps reduce user churn and ensures acquisition and scoring of new customers.

The KIWU platform provides new routes to market for insurers, providing new marketing, sales and loyalty management interfaces as well as a suite of AI/ML driven analytics that processes granular data from multiple sources in real time.

Mobility Insurance for emerging Homo Mobilis

KIWU supports new use cases of mobility insurance that caters to users of both annual and non-annualised policies.

Low Mileage Combo Insurance

KIWU offers low-annual-mileage car insurance to motorists who only drive a short distance each year.

Broader Personal Mobility Insurance

KIWU supports multi-mode personal mobility, including walking, biking, public transportation, ride-hailing, and car sharing as well as driving privately owned cars.

Professional Drivers

KIWU platform supports commercial insurance for cars or vans for couriers, hauliers, taxi drivers, furniture removers, or anyone else who is paid to deliver goods or carry passengers on UK roads.


KIWU enables insurance of items of value that is flexible in terms of time and coverage.

Micro-Mobility Insurance

KIWU analytics recognises different modes of transportation. The platform allows for insuring micro-mobility in urban environments that relies on non-auto small and light-weight vehicles.
Learn more about KIWU

KIWU is a new technology
solution for insurers

KIWU implements customised AI/ML algorithms to automatically build and update a digital model of the end user, which can be used not only to create risk profiles and improve driving style, but also to provide intelligent recommendations to decrease the cost of vehicle ownership cost and increase business efficiency for B2B customers. Additionally, background data collection helps to mitigate fraud risk. In the case of an accident, KIWU is also capable of using sensor data to indicate first notification of loss and facilitate incident reconstruction or forensics based on analysis of the driving data. Contextualised data, including the vehicle data and the road infrastructure / ITS data, could be used for possible fraud investigation. The list of integrated data sources is country specific.

KIWU offers automated quoting that allows better customer service. Access new markets with innovative and custom-built insurance products.
KIWU supports online quoting and automation of policy writing. Instant and easy personalisation of products allow for a better customer experience.
KIWU allows development of new products and services to respond to the changing needs of Customers and market conditions.
KIWU AI and ML algorithms help automate data processing and risk assessment. Improve accuracy of decisions with better analysis of contextual and behavioural data and more personalised insights.
Data ingestion from multiple sources
Data analytics of new granular level in real time, risk prediction
New Products, Use Cases and Distribution Channels
Marketing, Sales and User Loyalty Management Platform
Digitalisation Suite
for Insurance
Anti-fraud, user protection

Data ingestion from multiple sources

KIWU platform is integrated with a number of external systems providing data required for enriching user data collected through the KIWU mobile app. External data collected includes user / driver data, the driving conditions and environment, such as GIS data, traffic data and current traffic incident data, historic accidents data, weather data, roadside equipment data and information from external data aggregators, including connected vehicles.


Data analytics of new granular level in real time, risk prediction

KIWU data analytics system performs advanced analysis of dynamic user data contextualised with data originating from external systems. It enables identification of vehicle usage and driver behavioural patterns. The first level of data processing identifies events characterising driving behaviours, such as road manoeuvres, including their quantitative metrics and context, phone usage during driving, speed limit violations, and potential incidents. At the second level, the trip profile is computed based on user behaviour, historic incident data, route location, and configuration. At the third level, the user profiles are built based on a number of individual user trips. Once the user profile is complete, each subsequent trip is benchmarked vs. the statistical user profile, enabling such characteristics as route familiarity index. In total, over 1500 different metrics are computed.


New Products, Use Cases and Distribution Channels

The KIWU platform can be used to create products that are tailored to individual customer need, maximising the latest in technological advancements. KIWU integrates seamlessly with numerous mobility insurance, affinity partners using API or our off-the-shelf SDK to enable new user acquisition.


Marketing, Sales and User Loyalty Management Platform

The KIWU platform enables modern insurance. Insurance that is varied, personalised, tailored & flexible and as a result more appealing to the emerging Homo Mobilis. As a result, the improved customer experience helps reduce customer churn and increases customer satisfaction levels.


Digitalisation Suite
for Insurance

The new technologies deployed in KIWU’s platform helps insurers improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and better serve their customers. KIWU makes new customer registration, on-boarding, product customisation and policy management seamless and will improve marketing RoI in addition to contributing to user retention.


Anti-fraud, user protection

KIWU’s data analytics and user validation mitigates fraud risk. KIWU’s mobile-phone-based telematics and background recording of mobility data all contribute to improving user security.

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